Monday, September 10

TTU vs UTEP game pictures

Whew! That was a not-so-fun first quarter! Good thing football games are 4 quarters!

Patrick and Blaise showing GUNS UP! (Patrick sweated his other eye black off.)
Patrick and his new tailgate buddy Landon. Landon's folks are friends with the Brewers.
Me and Stacy at The Ultimate Tailgate. That's what it's called. Check out their website
After halftime, Paul used his press pass and headed down to the field, so Patrick and I headed over to the Pavilion. As I was talking to Jenn & Eric, I saw him making a line of chairs. And yes, I just watched him. Next thing I know, he is recruiting some new friends to ride his "train." They sure did ride his train, choo-choo noises and all.


Jennifer Adling said...

Hey....come get on my train!!

Kim said...

Press Pass, ohlala!! I am so excited about the Tech/A&M game....come on already!! Love the train, busy brains huh!!!

Through the Eyes of Kenda said...

Missed you guys...looks like I missed a lot of fun too. The kiddos look so cute.