Monday, November 12

All things new. . .

"New Life" and "change" seem to be a theme at my house these days. I figured some flowers would be just the thing, especially if it ever gets cold and brown.

I planted a red amaryllis for my kitchen. I'll keep showing it as it grows. And get this - $5 at WalMart! This is Patrick's sweet potato plant. He likes to count the leaves. We planted another one last night. We'll transplant these into pots come spring.
These are my johnny jump-ups and ornamental cabbage. I planted 7 pots of these. I'm just amazed that these little plants survive all winter. And I planted red and yellow tulip bulbs in the pots to so they'll come up after these are gone.
Top view of the johnny jump-ups and cabbage.

1 comment:

Jennifer Adling said...

I need to do some winterizing of my pots out front too! You are sooo good! Maybe need your help!