Monday, May 12

Happily Ever After. . . the Wedding of Mr. & Mrs. John Chance

The Tye Family
Mr. Chance and those crazy blond bridesmaids (stolen from Jenn's pic, but who took it?)
me and the lovely bride - seriously, Stacy was one of the most beautiful and most calm brides I have ever seen (Jennifer Adling photographer)
me kissing Mr. Blaise - what a sweet and handsome boy (Jennifer Adling photographer)
I am still laughing about snorting during the ceremony. "Is this guy a preacher or a golf commentator?" Oh Jennifer! I'm just glad Stacy thought it was funny.
Oh yeah, and I won the "grandma in-grandma out" bet, too. And y'all thought I was crazy for guessing 24:10. Who's paying up on that one?


Caroline said...

You look beautiful! And so very tan- I'm jealous!

Jennifer Adling said...

Wow....maybe I should be a photographer (kidding) girls all looked pretty. And I am sorry for making you snort!