Tuesday, August 5

It's the Little Things - installment #4

31. Just sitting next to someone you care about, not having to “do” anything
32. Having someone run their fingers through your hair
33. My cheesy cowboy hat with the red bandana
34. Really cold schooners – so cold that the beer freezes and “grows” up the sides of the glass - Caprock Cafe's are the coldest by far!
35. Homemade white wine sangria (and remembering to add the mixer, Michelle)
36. Singing patriotic songs on Canada Day in your front yard while waving giant sparklers (This one's for the Colonel)
37. Funnel cakes
38. Biscuits and gravy
39. Body glitter
40. Having exact change


The Youngs said...

I love the frozen beer crawling up the sides of your schooner! That might be one of the top 10 best things EVER.

Anonymous said...

Cole loves CAPROCK! We have to go there everytime we come to LBB, that and Jazz. FUN!

M--- said...

Is it wrong to just want to eat the brandy-soaked fruit bits for the homemade white sangria...regardless if a mixer is involved?