Friday, August 17

Darth Tater's not so "darth" anymore

Patrick LOVES playing Star Wars with his Darth Tater, or the Mr Potato Head Darth Vader. He refers to him as "My Father" like from the movie lines. We've decided that he doesn't understand that "father" and "daddy" are the same because he'll quote the line "You're not my father" to Paul.

So Wednesday night, he was fighting Darth with his light sabre and broke the Mr Potato Head arm with the light sabre attached. Paul gets pretty upset when Patrick breaks his toys and tells him Santa doesn't bring toys to little boys who break their toys. Later Patrick told me in total complete seriousness that Santa was going to put in him jail because he broke his Darth. That cracked me up. I don't think that's exactly what Paul said. Where does he come up with these things. . . Santa's going to put him in jail.


Averi said...

Santa does have authority in any jurisdiction. Lil' Patrick could be onto something.

Kim said...

I love their little minds, thanks for bringing Patrick over to play!!