Wednesday, August 29

I feel pretty, oh so pretty

I am so excited!!! Many of you know I am in a wedding in October and have been pretty dedicated to working out and eating well. IT PAID OFF! I tried on my dress for the first time today (I wanted to give myself enough time for my hard work to pay off) and it fit!!! Well, it fit in all the places I was worried about. The chest is too big, but that was a given. I am going to continue to get on the treadmill and eat well, but it's not as dire as I thought it was. I am so excited to be a part of Jennifer Ann's wedding! I am so happy God brought she and Todd into each other's lives. I can't wait to blog about her wedding. And our trip to Vegas next month. . . hee hee This is the dress. The white part is a light pink and the black sash is hot pink. Jennifer Ann would say they are sweet pea and petunia. I say they are blush and bashful.


Stacy Chance said...

Congratulations! That is awesome. Keep up the good work.

Jennifer Adling said...

Cute dress! I am sure it looks great on you! Good work on the fitness kick! I am proud of you!

Kendra said...

Awesome Girl.....I need to get motivated to do the same/..

Through the Eyes of Kenda said...

You are going to look beautiful...keep doing what you are doing. congrats! From what it looks like, most of us are all on a health kick. Lovin' it!!