Wednesday, July 30

Hairy Birthday, Britta!

Yes, you are seeing what you think you are seeing. It IS a Tom Selleck birthday cake. I sent some of you a picture of a Tom Selleck birthday cake I saw online and jokingly said I wanted one. I sent the same picture to my student designers. I thought they knew I was joking, but today I was surprised with a real Tom Selleck birthday cake, complete with chocolate frosting chest hair.
Aren't they just too creative??!!
I got the chest hair piece, all right.
Me being TOTALLY surprised!
This was the making of the cake - they were using the picture I sent to decorate it - see the laptop?
Yes, it says HAIRY BIRTHDAY BRITTA. My cake was quite the talk of the basement of the library. I have heard it is also going to make its way into our Division end-of-year slideshow.


Stacy Chance said...

OMG - that is hilarious! That is so sweet that they took the time to make you a hairy cake! It looks delicious!

Kim said...

Are you kidding sweet and thoughtful of those guys to make that for you....aghhhhh! And of course Funny as hell too! love it!

The Youngs said...

Yummy cake and oh...the crush I used to have on Magnum.

Kerry Kern said...

We all had a crush on Magnum!! Wow they are talented and so sweet to do that for you , happy late BDAY!!!!

Kendra said...

I used to love Tom Selleck!! thats so neat they did that for you!!