Thursday, July 31


Katie, Elizabeth, Kathleen and I attended the TTU Women's Football Clinic last night and had SO MUCH FUN! Our schedules said there was to be a "fahion show," which was really watching a few players put on full game attire - pads and all - from their boxer briefs. Next year we are going and wearing matching shirts.
Of course, we had to get a picture with Coach Leach. This one is going up next to my Valentine's pic with him.
And one with Coach Ruffin McNeil. What a cool name - RUFFIN.
Us in the weight room with Rylan Reed (6'7", 305), who just Monday set the TTU benchpress record with 625 lbs!!!
This is us with the O Line -
77 Okafor, offensive lineman(6-7, 322lbs) and 71 Hamby, center (6-3, 289 lbs). The guy in the back is a true freshmen meaning he graduated in May and came straight to Tech.
We took this up in the press box. Lance Fuller, safety, on the left, and Cutie (I didn't catch his name and he's not on the roster) a freshman kicker on the right.
They had us doing offensive and defensive drills. This is Katie taking down Hamby during our offensive drills. He let her tackle him. Sparkly flip-flops and all.
This is the sign they all slap as they leave the locker room headed down the field.


Kerry Kern said...

Looks like a lot of fun!!!

Kim said...

How much fun is that, I wanna come next year---whatever! okay so the photos of the fashion show we're awesome...blush blush....Great pictures of the whole night!!!

Kendra said...

That # 18 is a cutie!!! looks like fun