Thursday, February 19


I had a TOTAL QPM (questionable parenting moment) that involved Patrick's HOMEWORK of all things. This week they are studying the letter Qq. His homework was to color specific pictures in quilt squares. #1 - a yellow sun, #2 a green circle, #3 a brown leaf. etc. I was busy making lunches and cooking dinner as I was reading to Patrick what went in each square. I told him #6 was a black line. After I thought was was done drawing it, I walked over and saw something that certainly wasn't a line. I asked him what it was and he said. . ."WINE." My son had drawn a GLASS OF WINE right smackdab in the middle of his homework instead of a LINE. So, of course, I had to take a picture.

This one is SO going in his book.


Kim said...

LOL! This is again why you always check your kids it. Go Patrick, your so very very clever!

The Youngs said...

I think that is the funniest thing I have heard. I love it! Smart boy!

Chad and Mary Kate Martin said...

God bless QPMs!! They keep our lives interesting!!!

PS - He did a good job drawing the wine!

Caroline said...

Hysterical! Did the teacher think it was funny?

Chris and Chrissy said...
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Chris and Chrissy said...

Ha Ha a wine-o in the making!