Monday, June 25

Family Fun in Arlington

Paul's brother, Drew, came in from Detroit so we went to Arlington for the weekend. We all went to the Ranger game on Saturday. And then Robert Earl Keen was playing a free concert afterwards. It was TONS of fun! It was mine and Paul's first REK concert. After the concert, Chris told us about this place that had "cheap beer" as a menu item, so we went and had "cheap beer." It was Coors original and was $6 for a pitcher. Em and Paddy had lots of fun playing outside and Patrick introduced Em to the fine art of light sabres.

Wednesday, June 20

Separated at birth? My Centennial Blog

Is it just me or could Prince William and Kilff Kingsbury be twins? You decide.

Monday, June 18

Making Breakfast in Bed for Paul

I don't know where the little man got this new smile. . . We cooked Paul's favorite breakfast - Eggs Benedict - so he could have breakfast in bed. WE had bought him Star Wars and Emipre Strikes Back last week, but Paddy spoiled the surprise and told Paul the second we got home. I re-wrapped the DVDs anyways. Patrick acted as if they were a total surprise.

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Family and flowers on the front porch

These are our blooms on the front porch. Patrick's got his new SUPER smile going on. . .

Patrick had tons of fun on the Spiderman Slip n' Slide after Father's Day lunch at Doodah & Papa J's. He even got to play frisbee with one of his second cousins who stopped by to see Great Granpa.

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Limberger - and he's worth it

My Grandpa joined us at my folks house for Father's Day dinner yesterday. He LOVES Limberger cheese. I think it smells like super stinky feet. We got him a chunk for his gift. He said he wanted Dad and Paul to take a bite. Ug! Dad took one bite and gave the rest to Tucker. And even Tucke - the giganto chocolate lab - didn't chomp on it like he ususally does.

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Friday, June 15

A Father's Love

A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
Proverbs 11:25

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL MY FAVORITE DADs! And a special blessing sent to my Daddy Bill.

Wednesday, June 13

It's the Big 3-0 for Jay

Happy birthday, Dr. Blake Jay Todd Bird Black Tiger - and sometimes Bingo- Killough! I still say you're a good looking man with a beard!

Tuesday, June 12

Silly Boys

These two have lots of fun in store this summer!

Friday, June 8

Wednesday, June 6

Happy #4, PT1!

Happy birthday, Preston! I can't believe you are 4! (And I bet I'm not the only one.) I sure hope you and Patrick are friends for a long time. He is going to need an older friend to help him make good decisions - like wearing his seat belt in his Hummer. Katie and I call Preston PT1 and Patrick PT2 since their first 2 initials are both PT.

Saturday, June 2

A blog about a dog

Meet Rudy, aka Rude Dog, aka Rutabaga. You all know I was pretty dead-set on not having another dog right now. That should tell you something about Rudy. He walked up to Paul one early morning out at the Reece Center several weeks ago, all skinny and tired. There are no houses within 2 miles of the Reece Center, so he was far away from his home. He had a collar and a tag, but the tag read "Leave me I'll get home." That's when the ultimate dog-lover in Paul kicked in and he decided we needed to take care of him "for a while." My test was going to be how he acts around Patrick and Guinness, and how he was in the house. Patrick really took to Rudy - even named him. (Who knows where he got Rudy?) Rudy is some border collie mix and is very mild-mannered, and prefers to be outside. You can tell he just wants to be loved. We can do that here at the Codd Casa. Paul got a new tag for him last week. It says "Rudy I am loved."

Friday, June 1

Bowling Buddies

Paul had some free bowling passes from school, so The Stamps and The Codds went bowling. This was Patrick and Blaise's first times to bowl. They actually did better than me. Patrick even bowled a STRIKE! (That's what the dark picture shows.) Patrick & Blaise's scores were in the high 80s and 90s. My scores were 70, 69 and 72. AND they played with an 8 lb ball! That's almost 1/3 of their weight! Paul, Stacy and John said I could play on the boys' lane with the bumpers next time.