Monday, December 31

December's Totals

14.35 hours
50.64 miles
6540 calories

(I slacked during the week of Cmas, so I had to go over 7 miles today to reach my goal, but I DID IT!!!!)

I also got a membership today at a gym. Now that Paul and I are going to week-long visitations with Patrick, I'll be able to go to the gym. My plan is to do some spinning and ab classes and the elliptical machines. I WILL LOOK HOT in those bridesmaid dresses.

Here's to reaching new and BIGGER goals in 2008.

Monday, December 17

3 generational cookie party

Mom, Patrick and I hosted a 3 generational cookie party. The kids were CRAZY! I say that, Patrick got everyone riled up. Each lady brought cookies to share and the kiddos decorated Christmas cookies. We had some creative bakers. The only thing missing was the wassail. Just kidding mom. Then champagne punch did hit the spot. (Patrick was too busy being a Rock Star to be in the last picture.)

Snowy Saturday

Patrick told me the snow was "DEEEEEEEEEEEEElicious." I guess so. He loves to eat the snow. The Spiderman suit was hung by the chimney with care. . . Patrick decided that's where we needed to keep it.

Santa brought me an early Christmas present. An entertainment center for the Tech room so I could take my TV off the card table. My parents came over Saturday to build it while I was making cookies. Patrick was convinced that Doodah and Papa J needed his help. Yeah, I know it was freezing outside and my kid was just wearing his underwear. But if you asked him he was in his "black Spiderman" suit. Sometimes there's just no convincing that little 3-year old Taurus of mine. I finally took Patrick out to look at Christmas lights so my parents could build in peace. WE saw Santa on a bicycle, on a motorcycle and in a car. Patrick decided we needed to get Santa a motorcycle for Christmas. We are going to color him one. When we came back (note he has clothes on now), Patrick got to help Papa J hammer with a plastic hammer. And would you believe that's the only hammer I have?! My own tools are on my list for Santa, too. The Tech room is almost finished. I'll post pictures when it is. I also still have to post pics of my new bedroom, too.

Sunday, December 16

When "The Cherub" sings. . .

Patrick is really into Christmas music. Here are some of his versions. . .

Shrek the Holy Spirit la la la la la la la (Deck the halls with boughs of holly. . .) He has the tune down pretty well, though.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new beer. Or he sings and a happy new you. Either way works for me.

He's also totally into this song "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas." I downloaded it last year. He will listen to this song over and over to Jean's. And he can sing the whole first verse. I asked him if he really wanted a hippo for Cmas and he said yes. I asked him where it would live and he told me my room. I told him it wouldn't fit through the door. He informed me he wanted a little hippo, with a very "duh, Mom" tone of voice. I found one online and he's getting it at Doodah & Papa J's Christmas.

Friday, December 14

Christmas Science

Thursday our sitter was getting new carpet, so Paddy and I stayed home together and did SCIENCE! Those are pine cones in the bowls. Patrick gathered the pine cones in Colorado this summer to put in the fireplace this winter. I found an activity that makes the pine cones glow different colors in the fireplace. Here's how
1. Pour 1/2 gallon of hot water into a deep bowl or dish.
2. Dissolve 8 ounces (1 cup) of ONE of the following chemicals in the water. These are what we did
Table salt: for a yellow flame
Borax: for a yellow-green flame (20 Mule Team Borax - you can find it on the laundry aisle.)
Epsom salts: for a white flame
Other chemicals that I didn't want to run out and buy - strontium chloride, boric acid,
calcium, calcium chloride, saltpeter. They all make a different color flame.
3. Soak the pine cones in the solution for 6 hours. I needed to use something heavy like a plate or a bowl to keep the pine cones from floating.
4. Dry them for at least 3 days in a warm, dry area on a news paper. (Mine are sitting underneath my ceiling fan on a old bath towel.)

Whatever you do - DON'T MIX the chemicals. They can make toxic fumes.

Here are my paperwhites. I still see some more blooms. I hope they are still blooming for Christmas. My amaryllis is pretty pitiful, so I didn't take pictures of that one.

Friday, December 7

Good Grief

He decided he "needed to wear" my glasses.

Last night he was watching Charlie Brown Christmas and Charlie Brown kept saying "Good grief." He said Charlie Brown says "good grief" like Doodah. Yes, she does say that a lot.
Then I asked him what Doodah called him, and he said "Sweet P." I asked him if I could call him Sweet P and he said "no," but I could call him "Sweet Celery." Hey, at least the kid knows his vegetables. I do say I prefer Sweet Celery than Sweet Broccoli.

Tuesday, December 4

Christmas Music doesn't get any better than this

I really don't think Christmas music gets any better than this. I am a hug fan of Christmas music and have a pretty extensive collection, and this cd by Sarah Mclachlan makes it perfect! It's very "Sarah" - enchanting and romantic, yet Christmas-y without being too cheesy Christmas. I heard her version of Joni Mitchell's "River" on the radio and HAD to have this cd! She has the traditional "Silent Night" and "O Little Town of Bethlehem." But it's her versions of "River" and "Song for a Winter's Night" (originally by Gordon Lightfoot) and "In the Bleak Mid Winter" that keep me listening all day. I listened to it 3 times as I wrote Christmas cards last night and haven't taken it out of my computer cd player all day. I'll probably listen to it on my way home, too. I am so glad I added this Christmas cd to my collection.

My other favorite Christmas cd is James Taylor's that was released last year. He also does a version of "River" and "In the Bleak Mid Winter." Both of these will definitely be playing Christmas morning at my house.

C is for COOKIE

We decorated gingerbread cookies after the Carol of Lights on Friday night. These are dairy case cookies that already come in shapes! I LOVE THEM! I'm not so good at cookie cutter cookies, but I really want to have the decorating experience with Patrick. These cookies are perfect! He's really been into gingerbread this holiday season.
Some of his gingerbread men and women were pretty Picasso-esque. And he loved piling on the red gel icing and little M&Ms and making baseballs with the round ones. And he was decorating with his left hand. If this keeps up no catcher or quarterback he'll be, but there's always first base.
He was very proud of his cookies. This is a gingerbread man with crooked white chocolate chip buttons. We took all these to Jean's - our sitters - for the kiddos this week. Jean said they LOVED them. I asked Blaise if he liked the cookies and he said he had a Muffin Man - like from Shrek. I just love how their little minds work!
He wanted to go help Papa J in the yard on Sunday but didn't want to put on his shoes, so he grabbed Doodah's orange fuzzy slippers. And what did he want to play with - the snow shovel! He ran all around the drive way with that shovel.
He's also been very into his $5 train set, that now somehow only runs backwards??? This is him making a tunnel for the train.

Friday, November 30

50 miles baby!

Patrick decided he needed to lick the snow last weekend when it snowed. ??? Like the sun screen that's still on the table in the backyard?

I reached my November goal of 50 miles! I feel so accomplished. Can't say I've accomplished much else this month. Well, excecpt for Cmas shopping. The only person I have left to buy for is my Dad. Next task - wrapping. Time to start on December's 50 miles!

Tuesday, November 27

Thanksgiving with the Kittens

We had Thanskgiving with my mom's sister's family - one of the many Kitten clans. Dinner was AWESOME, of course. And then we played Scattergories. I wish I played that game more often. I think it's my favorite board game. We decided we needed a girl picture outside in the snow, too. Everyone was there except Camille, Trish and Kendall's oldest. She was napping. Trish & Kendall also have an exchange student this year from Germany. Trish made some purple cabbage for Kristin - mmm! I was apprehensive about trying it, but I must admit, I went

back for seconds.

I'm sad Red Raider home games are over

I needed some new pictures for the newly re-decorated Tech Room.
Patrick was so funny. He wanted to go down on the field when everyone rushed it so I told him the policemen would get him. He asked if the police were going to get everyone else down there, too. How does he have so much logic at 3? He stayed awake and spirited to the very end. Singing the Fight Song and Matador Song (okay, so he made up the words to the Matador Song, but he was pretending to sing.)
Me and Nicole - a friend of mine who sits behind us and travel in from Amarillo - in front of the winning score board!

Tuesday, November 20

For my friends

It is a good thing to be rich, it is a good thing to be strong, but
it is a better thing to be beloved of many friends.

-- Euripides (480-406 BC) Greek Playwright

Thursday, November 15

32 things I am thankful for. . . one for each year of my life

1. My creative, ornery, emotionally-intelligent son who surprises me with “Mom, I love you” several times a day
2. Parents who have encouraged me to be strong and independent, who are always willing to help me out and who help me see the good in situations
3. Friends from all walks of life who teach me things I would not know without them and who bring out the best in me
4. Co-workers that encourage me to use my unique strengths and talents, and have opened my eyes to wonder
5. Socializing and sharing with other fun moms
6. John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son
7. The Mystical Body
8. Daily Mass held on campus on Wednesdays
9. Guardian angels
10. An unconditionally loving God who forgives and gives me strength, and for the Church’s annulment process for giving me “a second chance”
11. Negative “female tests”
12. A house I can call my own, that is well heated and whose cabinets are never empty
13. A park 4 doors down my driveway
14. Convenience of microwaves, dishwashers, washers and dryers
15. Wine that comes in a box
16. Internet shopping
17. Digital cameras and pictures
18. DVR, otherwise I would never get to watch TV nor would I work out as consistently as I do
19. e-cards
20.That Patrick enjoys Tech sports and being a Red Raider as much as I do
21. Ears that can hear music and laughter
22. A mouth that can taste home-cooked meals
23. Eyes that can see Patrick smile, sunsets and flowers
24. Legs that can dance to whatever I feel like dancing to
25. Arms that can hug
26. A nose that can smell Downy, lavender and baby lotion
27. A mind that can reason (although at times it’s debatable)
28. Marsha Sharp Freeway construction because that means someday soon there will be a Marsha Sharp Freeway
29. To be working back at Tech
30. A sitter that I can talk to and cry to and laugh with and that I know loves my son
31. The determination and will power to finish my master’s degree
32. Making a BRAND NEW start to a BRAND NEW ME in 2008

Thanks for the idea, Averi.

Wednesday, November 14

Halfway to my goal and more Halloween

It's November 14th and I'm a little over halfway to my goal. . . 25.48 miles! That's 3124.39 calories! And 417.69 minutes!

Ans I keep forgetting to re-post these of the DiBs. Just in case you didn't get to experience them "live."

Tuesday, November 13

Spice Girl

I've discovered a new favorite spice - I bet you didn't know I had a favorite spice. It's CURRY! I have been making several dishes with curry lately but I have had to add FOUR times the curry for it to be curry-enough for me. Today I made curry chicken salad and last week I made Katie's Grandmother's Chicken Divan. Mmmm! If you like curry, let me know so we can go eat together.
My other favorite spices are cilantro and green chile. Okay, so they might not exactly be "spices" but they are my favorite flavors in dishes.

What are your favorite spices?

Monday, November 12

All things new. . .

"New Life" and "change" seem to be a theme at my house these days. I figured some flowers would be just the thing, especially if it ever gets cold and brown.

I planted a red amaryllis for my kitchen. I'll keep showing it as it grows. And get this - $5 at WalMart! This is Patrick's sweet potato plant. He likes to count the leaves. We planted another one last night. We'll transplant these into pots come spring.
These are my johnny jump-ups and ornamental cabbage. I planted 7 pots of these. I'm just amazed that these little plants survive all winter. And I planted red and yellow tulip bulbs in the pots to so they'll come up after these are gone.
Top view of the johnny jump-ups and cabbage.

Thursday, November 8

Feast of St Francis

A Blessing of the Animals
Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures. On the fifth and sixth days of creation, you called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air and animals on the land. You inspired St. Francis to call all of them his brothers and sisters. We ask you to bless the animals and all living creatures. By the power of your love, enable them to live according to your plan. May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation. Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures! Amen.

October 4 is the Feast of St Francis, patron saint of animals and animal lovers. We had a pet blessing at St Elizabeth's. It's no joke to say it was a zoo. That many animals all together. I think my dad had it the worst with Tucker, my folks' behemoth of a chocolate lab. He was down on one knee with his arm around Tucker's neck, holding the leash and Tucker would just take off and Dad would just fall over on his chest.

On another note, I need to give Rudy to someone else. He misses Guinness. He needs to be around another dog and someone who has more time to spend with him than me. If you know someone who is looking for a dog - he is well-behaved and older, so he's calmer, and BLESSED, see the above picture. VERY loving. All he wants is to be loved. Let me know if you or anyone you know is looking for a dog. (This seems ironic to include in this post, but it's as good a time as any.)

Tuesday, November 6

Random pictures from October

I got these from my mom last night. Some are from Jennifer Ann's wedding and some are from Halloween.

Monday, November 5

My Goal for November

October was a little crazy for me, so I was kinda lax on my workout. I've started November off strong - 6.37 miles so far. I'm going for 50 miles again this month.

I went to a Steven Covey 7 Habits of Highly Effective People workshop last Friday. TALK ABOUT AMAZING! I cried all day. Imagine that! The whole experience was so cathartic and eye-opening. I was supposed to attend this summer, but I missed one of the days. It was meant to be that I attend this workshop now. I am seeing myself and my talents and what I have to give others in a whole new light. I can't wait for the next 2 Fridays! This was a quote from Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind.

When we can no longer change a situation,
we are challenged to change ourselves.
Viktor Frankl

Thursday, November 1

Halloween Antics

Folks in both the Biology Department and the College of Ed dressed up on Halloween, so Mandy and I decided we needed to dress up, too. We were a PAIR of BLUE JEANS. Look closely at our name tags - they both say "Hi, I'm Jean." We totally stole this idea from Pat and Averi. It took people a while to get what we were. While hunting for our blue bows, I came across my Hutch Jr High cheerleading scrunchie. I brought it to show Mandy because she was a JTH cheerleader 3 years after me. After I showed it to her, she got this bright idea that we needed to be Hutch cheerleaders. It took everything I had to convince her that not everyone can fit into clothes they were 18 - yes 18 - years ago. Especially ones that require wearing bloomers!
These are the 3 little boys at Jean's - Patrick's sitter. Blaise (4), Colton (2) and Patrick (3). They are all such balls of energy.
Patrick as Obi Wan Kenobi. The blue light sabre is the dead giveaway. Note the 2 Mr Potato Heads - Darth Tater and Spud Trooper. It was Patrick's idea to have them in the picture, too. Doodah made this costume for Patrick and it's made of sturdy polyester so it will stand up to many light sabre fights!
Blaise as Raphael and Patrick ad Obi Wan at Charlie & Mary's house.

And Patrick eating a caramel apple. My parents' across the street neighbors always do special things for Patrick. Their whole porch was decorated with spider webs and skeletons, with strobe lights. He thought it was pretty cool.

Tuesday, October 30

Pumpkin time for Paddy

Patrick was totally grossed out by the seeds and "webs" in the pumpkins. Although he did say he wanted to plant some of the seeds. Here's a new science adventure for us.

Patrick carved pumpkins at Doodah and Papa J's house on Saturday night.

We carved ours on Monday night. One scary one and one happy one. Jack-o-lanterns don't come across well on film. . .

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Monday, October 29


Raiderland Fun

He insists in using his binoculars this way. They "fit his eyes better."

Patrick took this picture of me and Stacy. Could he have a future in photography?