Friday, January 16

January randomness

Patrick dragged out all his super heroes and trapped them under this bat.
Then The Thing saved them. Seriously - he had all his super heroes and all the villians out in the kitchen!
While we were making cookies last Friday night, he put a stamp on his cheek, then asked me to put more on him. And this is what we got.
No idea where these faces were coming from.
Patrick keeps telling me he wants to be a fireman, so we visited a fire station on Saturday and took them cookies. They let him sit in the driver's seat and wear the hat. They told us the one to visit was the one by Irons because they had the biggest truck. Guess we'll be making more cookies. . .


Chad and Mary Kate Martin said...

I love it!! What imaginations these boys have?!! What do you think it is like in their heads? Thank you for being so good about posting pics of Patrick...I really enjoy seeing them!

KT said...

sure, sure, sure. Use your son and cookies as ways to hottie firemen's hearts. Uh huh, sure, sure, sure.........

nicole said...

KT - that is EXACTLY what I was thinking...not a bad idea, though! ;-)