Thursday, May 15

Little known talents I bet you didn't know

This post has nothing to do with Champ - I mean, Mr. Tootknocker - I just loved this picture and had to share. I love that Patrick loves John so much.

I've recently realized 2 new talents.

1. I am skilled at reading upside down. By that I mean when the words are upside down - not me. Patrick likes to look at/read his Highlights and Ranger Rick magazines at dinner. We sit across from each other, so I must read upside down. And I must say, I think I am a pretty proficient upside-down reader. If you ask nicely, I might demonstrate.

2. I can spell sdrawkcab (backwards). Not that this is a necessary daily skill, but I can do it. I think I first became aware of it playing Cranium. But I practice sometimes. In fact, I spelled sdrawkcab while visiting my grandmother in Floydada just last week. My mom thinks it's a spatial thing, even though I am not a spatial thinker; I think it's a visual learner thing.

Now you know. Impressed?

1 comment:

Kendra said...

that is the sweetest picture....