Thursday, June 12

Spidey antics

Nice chocolate pudding mustache, huh? He was trying to imitate the pictuer below.

Then I got a lecture on how those aren't Spiderman's right colors. He was very upset that I didn't color him red and blue. This picture has been on our fridge for atleast a year and a half, but he just now got upset about my coloring job.

Showing me how Spiderman climbs the wall.

He is ALL about being a "kong fu master." I have gotten "kong fu master" lessons every night this week. And he is SO serious about it. Just cracks me up.

Naked boy on my bed after his bath. Trying to wrestle him to get lotion and jammies on. Then he started making Incredible Hulk muscles in the shadows. Not being a master photographer, I had to try several flash settings to get the shadows.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Spidey looks very tough. I'm sure he makes you feel very safe having him in the house!