Wednesday, August 27

First Day of PreK

I still can't believe my baby started preK. He was very non-chalant about the whole thing - arriving that morning, saying goodbye and the re-cap were all pretty matter-of-fact. And of course, I cried. He has been with Paul this week, so I am anxious to hear his stories next week.
My mom made him his nap mat - aka Paddys' Pad. It barely fits in his locker, but it's one-of-a-kind complete with his name on it. He said it was "super cozy" for his Monday afternoon nap. I wish I still got to take an afternoon nap.
This was him in front of the house.
In front of Smith Elementary.
By his locker.
Sitting at his desk - which just happens to be right in front of the teacher's desk. He was all ready to learn he told me.


Kendra said...

First days of scholl are so hard, even now!! hes gonna do great!

The Youngs said...

He is so adorable! Good job, momma. Big Big boy (That nap mat is fantastic...very cute)

kristinbednarz said...

Awww...I cried and she's a FRESHMAN. Who's his teacher? Dalton and Kate go there and she has Mrs. Grimshaw. Who does Patrick have?

M--- said...

Afternoon naps ROCK!! But I must say, I don't have a cool nap mat like Paddy! Lucky!

Do you think Marsha will make me one if I'm good and I bat my lashes at her???

Caroline said...

Looks like a great first day. Glad it went well. I love the nap mat- so cute. I cried too- what is it with the kids being stronger than we are?

Kerry Kern said...

He looked so sweet good luck Patrick!!!

Jennifer Adling said...

I bet he loves school! He will have a blast! I am jealous of the nap pad!!