Friday, August 1

It's the Little Things - installment #2 - and July Re-Cap

11. Grandma’s sweet rice
12. Mammie’s beans and cornbread
13. Dancing with someone you know how to dance with
14. Not knowing why you are laughing
15. Collegiate fight songs
16. The smell of sheets that have been washed in Downy
17. Cozy sweaters
18. Good hair days
19. “Chaos & Mayhem will ensue”
20. “poppycock”

MAN, was July a doozy. Let's see. . .
3 Jake’s head goes BUMP!
5 Jenn and Eric GET MARRIED! And my cousin Trish’s birthday
10 Marsha’s birthday
12 Cyd’s birthday
13 Jake, Kim and Kerry’s birthdays
17 Mary Kate’s birthday
19 Snead’s birthday
24 My birthday
25 Brooklyn Elizabeth born! Welcome, precious child!
28 Jon Mark’s birthday
31 Rylee Elizabeth born! Welcome, sweet baby! And I reached 60 miles for the month.
Am I missing anything? Whew. Hello August!

1 comment:

Jennifer Adling said...


Andy's b-day, Erics b-day, Amy's b-day, Knights of Columbus, TTU comes back (bad), football starts...this month may be just as bad!