Monday, August 18

It's the Little Things - installment #8

70. Re-reading old cards
71. Smiling at someone who never smiles back
72. Smiling at someone who ALWAYS smiles back
73. Taking baths
74. Heart-to-heart talks
75. Shit-eatin’ grins
76. Porches with porch swings & patio furniture
77. Warm Ovaltine
78. Dressing up as an elf and sewing 88 bells on to your costume (and walking down the hallway while the Board of Regents meeting is going on trying to be quiet wearing 88 bells)
79. Double plays

1 comment:

KT said...

well, it's about time! One question.....are you ever quiet, walking down any hall, even without bells? ;)

What number does "Perfect hair on a windy day, Thanks to Aqua Net" fall under?