Wednesday, November 5

Is he a Rock Star or The Count?

I know one day my son will hate me for this post, but it's too precious - and TOO PATRICK - not to. Please don't question my parenting for posting these pictures. Paul sent me these. Apparently Paddy busted out singing the old Spiderman cartoon song and rocked out with Paul's Guitar Hero guitar. Paul referrenced Risky Business. Yeah. That's my Paddy. I think I have my hands full. (Any one else see a little bit of Uncle Josh in these pictures?)

Last week in school they studied the letter Nn and noctural animals. And his obsession with bats started. Along with the #5 crab and the Double T scoreboard, Patrick has been coloring and cutting out bats. 11 to be exact. Eleven. Ah. Ah. Ah.

1 comment:

M--- said...

I loved The Count from Sesame Street making it into your blog.

That's only 1 comment.
One. Ah. Ah. Ah.