Friday, April 27

B's biggest fears. . .

Biggest fears. . . this might be the most open and honest I have been on my blog. I guess that time had to come. I could only think of four, whereas I usually can go on and on.

1. Being lonely. And I don’t just mean just "by myself." I know I have been lonely when I have been in the presence of another person or a group of people. I mean lonely in my heart. Not in touch from my friends and loved-ones.

2. Patrick becoming weird – like anti-social, anti-establishment, anti-adults, anti-authority. Does that make sense? I want him to stay the All-American kid he is now. This fear goes for another child, too. I know kids have to find their own identities and all, but I want to be able to relate to him.

3. Never getting out of debt. Paul & I will be paying on our student loans until 2037 – yeah, 30 years. That kind of debt hanging over our heads scares me.

4. Water. Especially water on my face. I always keep a towel in the shower with me to wipe the water off my face. I don’t enjoy water sports. Not that I am petrified of the water – I’ll get in it to relax, I just don’t like it on my face. Drowning would be the worst form of death. Underwater movie or documentary scenes freak me out, too.


Kerry Kern said...

I can totally relate to the water in the face thing, I love to be in the water but I really had rather NOT have it on my face or splashed and debt is a real fear for me too

Averi said...

I think that water movies are scary, too... MAybe I should list that.

Dustin and Allyson Wall said...

Hadn't really thought about #2 before. That would be tough!

Stacy Chance said...

Good to know about the water in the face thing, I'll try to watch it when we are in the hot tub in Fredricksburg.