Friday, April 20

Could it be?

Could it really be that my baby is turning 3 on sunday?

This morning I called him "Birthday Boy" and he called me "Birthday Mommy." I said "I'm not 'Birthday Mommy'." Then I thought, well of course I AM! My mom always reminds me that is really is MY birth day. I mean, all he did was show up. wink wink

Patrick was born at 10:29pm on April 22, 2004. I will always remember 10:29pm because I started pushing as Seinfled began and Patrick Tye Codd was here by the time the Seinfeld credits were rolling. I really wish I knew what episode it was, but we were a little preoccuiped.
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Kendra said...

Awww....time goes by so fast!!!

Averi said...

Such a sweet pic!

Jennifer Adling said...

The sweetest picture....I love that Seinfeld helped get you through it.