Friday, April 13

It's #37 for The Ricker

That's right, Ricky Shroder turns 37 today. Happy birthday to Mr. Silver Spoons.

And now for my pet peeves. . .
1. Dirty dishes left in the sink when the dishwasher is open
2. Slow drivers
3. People who mispronounce my name or misspell either of my names
4. People who talk on the cell phone when other people are in the car, when they are in the bathroom, other public places where others might not want to hear their conversations

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Jennifer Adling said...

That is soooooo sweet! Love the wings!!

Thanks for reminding me of the blog topic too!

Averi said...

No one ever spells my name right. I am so beyond getting mad about it. I feel your pain, though. And cell phones in the check out line is the worst!! I try so hard not to!