Friday, September 28

My favorite burger - CyberSIster's blog

Mmmm. . . gotta put some Dale's marinade in the meat before making the patties. A little bit of garlic pepper while on the grill, but not coated like Big Jim likes to make them. Whole wheat bun. Ketchup. Warm mayo - I know it's weird, but oh so good! NEVER NEVER NEVER mustard. Dill pickles, lettuce, and big sliced tomatoes.

I also like what my mom calls Parlais Vouz burgers - provolone, sauteed onions and mushrooms on a toasted bun, of course with warm mayo. I have never been sure why they are Parlais Vouz burgers, but they are super yummy!

I have a recipe for Napa Valley sun dried tomato burgers that are AWESOME! There's red wine, basil and sun dried tomatoes in the meat. But it's in my recipe book at home.

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