Friday, September 14

You're my inspiration

I once completed a Personal Mission Statement Builder on the Franklin Covey Website

There is a section on there about relationships. It’s a way to assess who you want to be or become through the eyes of someone else. “Use your imagination to visualize a celebration in your honor at some point in the future. What words would these important people use to describe you?” I am going to do it backwards. I am going to note what I would say if I were giving a speech honoring these people.

Paul is strong, courageous, loyal and honest.
Patrick is imaginative, curious, genuinely happy and not afraid to say I LOVE YOU.
Dad is hard-working, genuine, rational and a true leader.
Mom is hard-working, creative, nurturing, and sensitive.
Katie is creative, cheerful, optimistic and thoughtful. (And the best baker I know!)
My Catholic Student Association friends from back in the day have always been reliable, dependable, sincere, prayerful and encouraging.

There have been A LOT of people who have influenced who I have become as a friend, a wife, a mom, a co-worker . . . If you are reading this blog, I’m sure you are one who has inspired me. For your inspiration, I thank you.

1 comment:

KT said...


Britta is creative, kind, gracious, effervescent, true to herself, and has a contagious laugh. (and only sometimes tacky....specifically at University Day....HA!)