Wednesday, April 23

4 year well check for Mr. PTC

We didn't getto blow out candles at the birthday party because it was too dang windy, so we did it at Old McDonalds (aka McDonalds) when I took Patrick for a special birthday happy meal. then we played at Old McDonald's.

Patrick had his 4 year old well check this morning. Here's what Dr. Steve had to say
20/30 vision
41.5 inches tall - 60th percentile
38 lbs - 50th percentile
Dr. Steve said, again, that if he keeps up this growth rate, he might be 6 feet tall!
He was very impressed with Patrick's speech.
And was pleased to hear that he loves milk and veggies.
All in all a GREAT visit. Although I think Patrick would disagree since he got 4 shots! WOW! But good news is, no more boosters until he is 12.

1 comment:

Jennifer Adling said...

Glad everything is good....he will be a strong, healthy boy!