Tuesday, September 30

T is for TICKLE

Patrick's class has started learning a letter each week. This week is Tt. Each day the class lists things that start with T and encourage parents to brainstorm lists at home with their kiddos. I must admit, it's kinda of a fun game to think of things that start with certain letters. Our T list included Transformers (of course), T Rex, train, truck, teeth, tounge, tummy, toes, toast, thank you. . . and so on. He was playing in the living room last night and I thought to myself, "Tickle starts with T." So I told him "Tickle starts with T" and then totally launched into a total (another T work) TICKLE FEST and continued to ask him what letter tickle started with, while he was laughing! We had a mini-tickle fest as we walked into the school today. I think we are both loving that Patrick is in school!

1 comment:

Chris and Chrissy said...

T is also for tinkle, tigger, and tallywhacker. This is fun!