Wednesday, March 28

Happy 89th birthday, Sweet Mammy!

My dad's mom - Edna Beth Tye - aka Mammy is celebrating 89 years today! I love this picture we took at Hog Fest in Rotan - mostly for that fact that she os wearing a Coors Light arm band. Too funny! The top picture of of my Dad's side of the family. She has 2 children - my dad and my Aunt Jane, 5 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren. I love that she follows Tech sports and Ranger baseball. She calls me for scores sometimes and I feel guilty that I am not paying as much attention to my beloved Raiders as she is.

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Jennifer Adling said...

Happy Birthday....and drink more Coors Light!!

Kim said...

that is soooo sweet!! Gotta love those grandmommies!! thats how we will be in our older years with the raiders!! Shes great!!