Friday, February 8

Things I learned from being at home with a sick kiddo

Patrick was at home Wednesday & Thursday with double ear infections, so I got to spend some quality time with him. Here are some things I learned:
1. Green turtle-shaped pancakes make having an ear ache "all better."
2. It takes 15 drops of green food coloring to get a pancake "turtle color."
3. Turtle pancakes take extra patience so as not to tear off the head and legs.
4. I don't have the patience it takes to make turtle pancakes.
5. Dogs will eat green pancakes and don't care if they don't look like turtles.

Another funny from Wednesday, which was Ash Wednesday - yes, we still went to Mass, ear aches and all. I was not going to make P go up to receive ashes, but he said he wanted to go. I got mine first then Patrick backed away from Fr. Jim. He kept starring my ashes. I told him he could touch them. He asked if they were "like black Spiderman." He thought that the ashes were like the "balck stuff" from Spiderman 3. I love the way his little mind thinks! I told him it was black stuff like on a candle.


Jennifer Adling said...

MMmmmmm.....turtle pancakes....

Kerry Kern said...

I love the things little ones have to say on a sick day home!!! Kelton is home today with double ear infections too! Friday is not the time to be sick!