Wednesday, July 9

Mid-year totals

Here are my mid-year totals for running, walking, biking, eliptical, etc. . .
Hours 96.61
Miles 414
Calories 40,720 - that's 287 Shiner Bocks!!!

I must say I am pretty impressed with myself. I never thought that I'd be working out like this. It feels so good to do it! The life changes that got me here weren't so joyous, but I am glad that I have chosen this healthy path of reinventing myself versus some others. Thanks for all the support you all have given me about working out and through my other life changes

So I leave you with this. . .
We must be willing to get rid of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
~Joseph Campbell

1 comment:

Jennifer Adling said...

Well, I think all of your hard work paid off because you looked fantastic at the wedding!