5. Being back at Tech and a member of the Tech community.
4. Working with students again. I love experiencing their enthusiasm for life and their youthfulness.
3. Super fun office. We have this great red-yellow-green-blue & purple rug. Fun, science things like DNA hanging from the ceiling. 2 fish. LOTS of toys! And 2 HUGE windows that let sunlight in all day!!!
2. Laughing. It used to be a good day at work when I didn’t cry. I am so blessed to be laughing more now than I ever thought was possible at work. Something funny happens EVERY DAY!
1. Mentors and co-workers. I enjoy making fun of them being “science nerds,” and they enjoy watching me learn about science. I even have a button that says “Trust me. I’m a science teacher.” HA! We all make such a well-rounded team.
Seriously, the job environment and the people I am surrounded with – as a whole – have never felt more “right.” I know this is where God wants me to be now – for what I can contribute with my talents and that the people are helping me regain self-confidence and the creativity, passion and enthusiasm that once was “the Vice Chancellor of Sunshine.”