Patrick wanted to make a snow angel. He said Buzz Lightyear and Guinness wanted to make snow angels, too.
Patrick was trying to catch snowflakes on his tounge. I asked him what they tasted like and he said ice cream. He was wearing some of Paul's old cold weather head gear from the Ceast Guard underneath his maize & blue stocking cap. Paul found all his old USCG cold weather gear in the attic over C-mas break. That's SO what we're busting out to build a snowman!!
Here is the shed Mom & Dad gave Paul for C-mas. He did an excelptional job building it over his C-mas break. It has been a total lifesaver for our garage. This pic was supposed to be a pretty picture of the ice on the tree, but turned in to a superstar pic of the shed.
I loev the shed!!! We need one! Where did they get this one? Do you know?
Love that picture of Patrick! So cute...that's a framer!! You should come up to Amarillo if you need more snow to play in. We have gotten 8 inches thus far with more to fall.
Patrick is soo adorable!!
Great pic of Patrick trying to catch snowflakes.
Blaise made snow angels too, he had so much fun playing in the snow.
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