Wednesday, January 10

It's our anniversary! 3 years!

Paul & I have been Mr. & Mrs. Paul Codd, Jr for 1096 days. That's 365 x3 + 1 for leap year in 2004. Funny story - when we went to get our marriage license, we realized none of Paul's IDs had him listed as Paul Raymond Codd, JUNIOR, so technically I am married to Paul Raymond Codd - his father.

This is our first picture as Mr. & Mrs. Paul Codd, Jr. Katie, my Matron of Honor, snuck in and took it of us as soon as we walked down the aisle together.
These were all my bridesmaids and Dude of Honor at our couple's shower. All of them except Angie, who was in Michigan. We missed you, Ang.

One of our first dates was at Caprock Winery, so it has become tradition that we go there for a tasting each year on our anniversary date. This is us at Caprock in 2005 - our first anniversary.

And last year in 2006. We'll take another picture when we go this weekend. If you have never been on a winery tour and tasting, they are really fun!

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Stacy Chance said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I hope you have a great time at the winery and many many more.

Jennifer Adling said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary! The wine tasting is fun...all of us girsl should do it one Saturday (boys baby-sit??)

Kim said...

Happy Anniversary girl!! That's a great tradition, very fitting for the two of you!

Averi said...

3 years already! Man, time flies! That is awesome. Congratulations!

Courtney said...

Happy Anniversary to the lovely couple! We love you two!

Through the Eyes of Kenda said...

Happy Anniversary...what a great post!