Friday, January 19

First Pitch Luncheon ad on FOX

That's right. . . Tech baseball is just around the corner. The first game is Feb 2 against Stephen F Austin (I think). The First Pitch Luncheon is scheduled for Thursday Feb 1 and tickets and tables are still available. We still aren't sure which Rangers will be coming in to speak. Fox 34 contacted the Hecklers to make an ad for the FPL and it will start to air Saturday. Yeah, the day EVERYONE will be inside watching TV, unless they are outside making a snow man - hee hee. What do we do in the commercial, you ask? What we do best - HECKLE! Only this time we were heckling Jarrod the sports caster. We realized it was pretty challenging to heckle on command and for someone doing you a favor like free publicity. I had to throw in a "pocket rag," of course. Paul refrained from and and all Howdy Doodie rags.
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Kendra said...

Let me know when you find out whos coming. Zach is a huge Ranger fan. how much are the tickets??

Through the Eyes of Kenda said...

How fun is that! Can someone TiVo it for me as I won't get it in Armadillo.

Kim said...

You guys look so cute!! What the heck is a heckler?? I'll check out the website!!!