Tuesday, January 23

Man's Best Friend - taking care of Snoopy

It's 1:45am and I can't sleep. First thing I usually do when I can't sleep is check on Patrick. I enjoy seeing him still and quiet and angelic since it doesn't happen that much - well, at least the still and quiet part. So I go in to kiss him and this is what I see. Instead of going to bed after reading bedtime stories, he made a bed for Snoopy - with a matching pillow and blanket, nonetheless. Kids, I'm telling ya, you just never know what they are going to do next to make you smile.


Me said...

Is that adorable or what? I LOVE it!

Kim said...

Okay you gotta keep that picture for sure, or frame it!! Thats awesome!! Yesterday I went in to check on Ava during her nap and she had her bear that's as big as her sleepin on her chest, I wish now I would have taken a pic of it....sooo cute!!

When did you move Patrick to his toddler bed?? We're thinking about it with Ava, but wonder if she's to little still....????

Jennifer Adling said...

I love that...I used to have a Snoopy.....finally his head came off (after we sewed it back on many times).

Through the Eyes of Kenda said...

That is so freakin' cute!!

Marsha said...

That's our Paddy....he has such a big, sweet heart; SOMEDAY he's going to be a wonderful big brother!!!

Stacy Chance said...

I love it.

Kendra said...

that is so sweet! He will be such a good big brother!