Tuesday, February 27

Chicken Little strikes again

Get this. . . Patrick & I were in Package Plus today mailing something and that Elton John duet "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart" came on the radio. He asked "What's that song?" I asked him what he thou ght it was. He pensively cocked his head to the side. I turned to pay the lady and he came running up saying "Chicken Little." It took me a second, but he was right. They sing that song during the Chicken Little credits. AND HE REMEMBERED! He absolutely amazes me with his recognition and way he puts things together.


Jennifer Adling said...

What a smart boy....

Averi said...

He is obviously a smarty...which is surprising considering the other Patricks that I know...

Kerry Kern said...

Kids are amazing!!!

Kim said...

Thats so awesome!! something you'll never forget. Smarty pants!!