This week's Friday Blog Topic was another challenging one - your 5 favorite pictures. Thank goodness for digital pictures, but I had too many favorites to choose from. Here we go. . .
We took this picture after the Family Day game this past football season. SaddleTramps (and their advisors) can take their families up into the Bell Tower. Paul had taken Patrick up there several times, but I had never been up there with them until Family Day. We also took my folks and Rick & Diane Jackson. This is a shot of Patrick singing the Fight Song with his "guns up" like the "big Tramps" standing underneath the Victory Bells. If this kid decides to go somewhere other than Tech, it will break my little red and black heart!
I have sent this picture to everyone I know at Tech - Athletics, News & Pub, Alumni Association - you name it! This was taken at the autograph party at the beginning of the 2006 season. We were walking up the ramp to leave and these 2 players were in front of us. I told Patrick to run up there and hold their hands and he DID without a second thought. And the players just grabbed his hands, too. What a shining example of what a student athlete can be.
This picture was taken at the Tech Homecoming Parade in 2000, the year I was Miss Heckler - hence the sash. The guy in the Raider Red costume was one of my favorite Red's - he was Red when I was traveling with the cheers & poms. I printed this off for my grandma in Slaton, and she hung it on the "married grandkids wall" - you know, the one with all the grandkids engagement and wedding pictures. I guess this is as good as grandmas thought I was going to get. Funny that Paul turned out to be a Saddletramp. . . maybe she knew something. I was also have a good hair day this day.
This picture makes me think of "NEW LOVE." We took this the day Paul and my Mom were "Team Grass" and helped me landscape, plan flower beds and sow grass seeds for the lawn. This was when Paul and I were just dating so he got SUPER POINTS for helping out. After we had worked in the yard, we went to a 50th birthday party. That's where this picture was taken. I love our smiles in this picture. We were truly happy at this moment and looking at this picture reminds me of those feelings when we first were dating. And I love my hair in this picture.
I love this picture for SO MANY reasons. The innocence of a sleeping baby. His perfect little face. His tiny little nose. They grow up TOO FAST! He is sleeping on the quilt my grandmother gave me and Paul as a wedding gift. She gave or made a quilt for all her grandkids. She had TONS to choose from, but we liked this pattern - I think it's something like Devil's Puzzle - and the fact that it was a patch work quilt. It also reminded me of one she used to keep on one of her beds. She said she had hoped we picked this one because it made her think of me, too. This picture is still up on the wall at my grandma's house, too, on the great-"grandchildren's section."
aghhhh I love them all!! you and your raider red addiction! And the one of the players and Patrick, that's like picture of the year, seriously that needs to be in the program or something during football season. Oh and I remember those Britta single days, who would have did pretty damm good for yourself!! love them all and the quilt story!!!
and be little bro went to UT b/c of scholarships and we bleed red and black never know what will become of these babies...
For some reason I didn't see your original fav's....great pictures.....the one with patrick walking up the ramp is my favorite...
All of those are good!!Patrick is a doll
Phenomenal pictures! So glad to know someone else is a Red Raider adict. Those three top pics are so great and I love the words, "...will break my red and black heart." That picture of you and Paul is did look so pretty. What a sweet baby picture. Thanks for sharing ~ these are great.
I have never seen that first picture of Patrick. He is such a good little Red Raider. Let's not even think of him going somewhere else.
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