Thursday, February 15

Pictures by Patrick

Patrick has decided that HE now needs to take pictures, too. These are some of his recent attempts. He holds his fingers over the front, and doesn't wait for the flash - he moves the camera as soon as he clicks the button, so he doesn't actually get what he sees in the viewer. But it doesn't bother him. He is SO proud of his pictures.
On another note, he is telling us when he needs to go to the bathroom. And he is wearing his "big boy underwear" when we are at home in the evening. One step closer to being potty-trained! YAY!!!

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Kim said...

Ava does the same thing with the camera. Gotta love the potty training stuff, no more diapers, can you imagine, thats like winning the lottery!! Good job Patrick!!!

Through the Eyes of Kenda said...

That's so cute that he is proud of these pics. A kid's perspective is something we should all learn from.

Averi said...

I think he is a great photographer.