Monday, February 12

Trust me, I'm a Science Teacher

As part of my work with the TTU Howard Hughes Medical Institue science education program, I went to the Texas science teachers convention and I got this button that says "Trust me, I'm a science teacher." That's funny because I DON'T DO SCIENCE! Susan, my boss, is trying to tell me "I am more science than I give myself credit for." I think have her fooled because I drop words like "endoplasmic reticulum" and know why flamingos are pink (because I read it at the Ft. Worth zoo.)
Did you know Raider Red likes science, too? We took this picture of the HHMI students, me and Mandy in one of the chemistry lecture halls. I might not be able to bring much "science" to this group, but I am certainly adding some silliness.

Last Friday the science education scholars and I visited a kindergarten classroom at Guadalupe Elementary. We took a bull snake snake and dry ice to do some experiments. I got to handle the snake some. I actually like handling the snake. Posted by Picasa


Stacy Chance said...

Raider Red looks so smart. Is that a lab coat that he is wearing?

kristinbednarz said...



oh, my! We saw the snakes at the science spectrum too and uh uh. No way! I could only stroke it's head. Forget about holding the sucker!

Averi said...

WHY?? Why are flamingos pink?

Kim said...

I think you and Raider Red go alot like me a oprah or me and I right???

Through the Eyes of Kenda said...

You are very brave. I want to take a picture with a Raider Red. How 'bout those Raiders last night?

Jamie Pitman said...

I used to have a pet snake in college, it was a baby though.

Anonymous said...

your brave..... i strongly dislike snakes!