Thursday, February 15

Happiness is Homemade

For Valentine's Day I made Paul General Tso's Chicken, one of his favorite dishes when we get Chinese food. I had never made it before, but I had a tempura recipe and found a bottle of General Tso's sauce at the new Target. I also made homemade fried rice. It turned out really yummy and we even had leftovers for lunch today! You know what they say about the way to a mans' heart. . .
(Yes, I was cooking in my jammies. I was tired and wanted to be comfy. That sweatshirt makes me look huge, too, but it's my favorite comfy shirt.)

And Paul brought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers that he made (with a little help from my mom.) He picked out the flowers and she helped him arrange them. I love that we were able to give each other gifts that we put a little ourselves into.
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Anonymous said...

I LOVE that you still have THAT sweatshirt!!! I still have mine also, and like you, it's my favorite to get cozy in!!! Mine is HUGE on me, too (didn't they only have L or XL?), but I love it. Ah, memories. :)

Jennifer Adling said...

Wow! Your dinner looks great!

Kim said...

That does look really good, but not as good as that glass of wine in your hands.heehee!!!

Through the Eyes of Kenda said...

How sweet is that! You both made your gifts...that should be a tradition for you guys. Great idea and could you please come to Amarillo today and make me some of that yummy chinese food?

Kerry Kern said...

I would love a good recipe, when you have a second I would love to get it...I think that is very sweet for Valentines