Wednesday, February 28

Potty pet peeve

Okay, I just recognized a new pet peeve - when people talk on a cell phone in a public restroom - or any restroom for that matter. WHAT could be SO important that it couldn't wait till you are done doin' your bid'ness? I mean, c'mon. Do poeple think the people on the other end really want to hear what's going on in a restroom? It made me just want to keep flusing so I could make more "potty noise." Maybe it's not a problem other public places, but I hear students gabbing on their cells ALL THE TIME here at Tech. Okay, done venting. Happy Wednesday! The week is almost half way over!

1 comment:

Averi said...

I hate it when people talk on the phone in the bathroom...home phone, cell phone, doesn't matter. GROSS!